Duck! Duck!
...minutes pass...
Cat! Cat! (giggles)
...a little while later...
Bee! (squeals)
I thought I had picked up all the kids picture books lying around the floor. I double checked - yup - no picture books. Yet our daughter was making all the fun noises that usually following a reading of picture books.
A little further investigation reveals she has got hold of a Linux magazine I bought on a whim.
Turns out this is a Duck...
a fair mistake - any bird is classified as "duck" at the moment.
This is a Cat...
getting a little harder to see the association now.
And this is a Bee...
Turns out these mags are great for kids (and cheaper than most picture books). I was thinking of trying a Mac magazine next. So she can go for the traditional "a is for apple" - but I'm worried of copyright or trademark infringement.