Wednesday, 10 February 2010

A belated link-blog lament

A few weeks ago, Arjan Zuidhof officially shutdown operations on his great .NET (and development in general) link-blog. It was not a huge surprise; it was alluded to it back in August. He's now concentrating solely on productivity, gtd and lifehacking. While these are also great topics (and still hold a personal interest for me), I will miss the great development content and ideas the posts inspired.

From the back row: "Gee, that's sad. Blogs come and go, get over it man!"

True enough, but... I couldn't help make a loose connection between this and a fairly hot topic raised on DNR - Is software development too complex? back in November. It spawned a huge series of follow ups and comments (both for and against). But it's hard to argue that the number of CLI languages, data access choices, logging frameworks, etc, etc (ad infinitum) are reducing. When you start a new project, which one to do you choose? Which one is "right"? Which one will still be a good choice in 2 years? In 2 minutes?

Q: There's a huge amount of choice out there, and it's constantly increasing! What are we to do?
A: (That guy from the back row is still here) "Get over it man!"

This is a great time for .NET development. The platform is mature, popular and stable. The huge variety of technologies available within that platform are a sign of this. Sure you will pick technological dead-ends, or the next-shiny-thing will seem so much better. But perhaps this helps focus the effort on design - being able to back out of dead-ends, or support switching to the next-shiny-thing.

I just hope the (seemingly) overwhelming choice is not driving talented people (like Arjan) away from the .NET platform. I honestly don't think so - but for a brief moment the connection was made in my addled mind.

Maybe a fitting salute to Arjan's contributions is to select some of the gems (there's plenty more):

Dammit! - Now I've started a link-blog!